Free Will Kit Ontario – Ready to Take Control of Your Legacy?

In Canada, preparing a Will is crucial in securing your wishes for the future. Many people seek information on whether the government offers Free Will Kits to help with this essential document. But before going forward, first of all, know What are Free Will Kits? It’s a document you should create when you’re around 18 or 19, and it’s important to update it as your life changes. Every adult in Canada should make a Will. But some might wonder, does the Government of Canada provide a Will Kit for everyone? The simple answer is no, they don’t.

What is a Free Will Kit?

This article explains why and suggests other ways to make a Will. “Let’s explore the landscape of Free Will Kits provided by the Canadian government and what individuals need to know about them.

What is a Free Will Kit?

Understanding a Will kit is easier when you know what makes a legal last will. A legal Will must be written on paper and signed in front of two witnesses. You don’t need a lawyer, and it doesn’t have to be registered. It needs to be a clear paper saying it’s your last will. However, it’s good if it names an Executor, but at least it should say who gets your stuff (your “estate”).

Moreover, in some places, if you write the whole Will by hand, it’s called a “holographic Will.” In some provinces, witnesses aren’t needed for this, but in others, like BC, they still are.

What Does a Will Kit To?

A blank form Will kit tries to help you with this information. It gives you a kind of outline with some typed parts and spaces for you to write in. Furthermore, the goal of a blank form Will kit is usually to guide you and remind you to include things like an Executor, a backup Executor, guardians for kids, and a plan for how your things will be shared.

With a Will kit, you’re less likely to forget something important, like having a backup plan for how your things should be shared if one of the people you want to give them to passes away before you do.

Online Will Kits vs. DIY Will Kits

In Canada, you can find Will kits in lots of places. It’s a good idea to check out a few options before picking one that suits you. But mainly, there are two kinds of Will kits you can get:

Online Will Kit

Lots of people like using online Will kits because they’re easy and handy. With these kits, you don’t need a lawyer, but you still get choices like you would with one. Everything you need to know is usually explained, so you just need to pick the right place to get your kit. Additionally, you can do it all online. No need to go to a store to buy the kit.

DIY Will Kit

Before online Will kits, Canadians often used Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Will Kits, also called Blank Form Wills, to make their Wills. While this way has been around for a long time, it might not be as easy or cheap as using an online Will kit.

Why DIY Will Kits may not be your best option?

You might find DIY Will kits at stores for less than $50, but it’s smarter to think about hiring a lawyer. Sometimes, these DIY kits might only hold up well in court if someone agrees with them. However, there are a few reasons why a DIY kit might not be the best choice:

It Can Be Confusing:

Making a Will on your own might be tough if you’ve never done it before. Those DIY Will kits you can buy usually have lots of empty spaces to fill in, and they don’t give a lot of help. That can also cause problems because if you write something wrong, it might make the document not legal.

Limited Customization:

Some DIY Will kits are too basic to work well for a long time. They might only give you 2 to 3 pages with simple choices for making a Will. But that’s not great if you want to divide your things among many people.

It May Not Hold Up In Court:

Another issue with DIY Will kits is that they don’t promise much legally, even if you sign and get them from real businesses. That means they can be easily questioned in court, especially if there’s an argument between people who might get your stuff.

Are There Any Free Government Will Kits?

The government of Canada doesn’t give out free Will kits, but some provinces offer templates you can download. In Canada, there’s no special online or DIY template that’s better. In addition, you can get your Will kit from a public or private company. Just do some research and make sure you finish the Will correctly to avoid problems. However, if your money situation is complicated, it might be smart to hire a lawyer.

Where Can You Find the Best Free Will Kits In Canada?

There are numerous online Will kit providers in Canada. While some offer Will kits for a fee, others have free options.

1. Canada Wills

Canada Wills has been giving Canadians a free legal Will service for more than 20 years. They also offer this service in the United States through Moreover, on their platform, you can make a last will, along with a Living Will, Medical Power of Attorney, and Advance Directive document.

They also have detailed estate plans for Wills, covering things like:

  • Digital stuff
  • Taking care of kids
  • Trusts for pets

Fees – You can download a Will kit from CanadaWills for free. You don’t need a credit card or any subscription. But if you want, you can donate to support them. To keep offering this free service, they suggest users give a voluntary gift through PayPal to Proactive West Enterprises Inc.

Once you finish writing your Will, you can download and print it, then add the needed signatures.

2. LawDepot

LawDepot started in 2001 and provides lots of legal documents, like estate planning, in Canada, the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom. They say you can make your free last will using their platform, but it might not be easy. Moreover, they have more than 10 million users and offer lots of different documents:

  • Wills and Estates (like Last Will & Testament, Power of Attorney)
  • Financial (such as Bill of Sale, Loan Agreement)
  • Family (like Separation Agreement, Prenuptial Agreement)
  • Real Estate (including Residential Lease, Equipment Rental)
  • Business (such as Partnership Agreement, Incorporation)

Furthermore, they offer three ways you can use their services:

  • Free Trial: You can use the documents for your Will for 1 week for free. After that, it costs $39 per month.
  • One Year Pro: You can pay $95.88 plus tax for a year and make as many documents as you want. It renews every year unless you cancel.
  • Pay As You Go: You pay for each document, between $7.50 and $49.

Even though LawDepot says you can get your Will papers for free by signing up and canceling in a week, it might end up costing more than other services like LegalWills or Willful.

3.The Free Will Kit

This company from the U.S. has a free Will Kit, but it might not be right for Canadians. When you finish the form online, they send you a package with a last will, a Living Will with a Health Care Surrogate, and a Will Kit workbook.

Someone from the company will get in touch to plan delivery, but they might also try to sell you things you don’t need.

4. Free Legal Will Kit

Another American company, Free Legal Will Kit, gives out its free Will Kit in Ontario, Alberta, Prince Edward Island, and New Brunswick. Just like the service mentioned earlier, someone from this company will contact you to set up how you’ll get the kit, either in person or online. Even though you get the Will templates for free, they might also try to sell you other things.

However, the Free Will Kit started in the United States, but now you can get it in Canada and Spain, too. Unlike some other services, they only offer one kind of free Will Kit:

  • Last Will & Testament
  • Living Will (it says what medical care you want at the end of your life)
  • Health Care Surrogate Form (a document for someone to make medical decisions for you)

The Free Will Kit lives up to its name – it’s free. But to get it, you’ll need to give them some info, like your name, address, and phone number. Then someone will get in touch to arrange how you’ll get the kit. They might also offer you insurance, but you don’t have to buy anything to get your free Will Kit.

Best Online Wills In Canada: A Better Alternative

A free Will kit or cheap lawyer is not available in Canada, but there are a few low-cost options that do give more assurance:

1. Epilogue Wills

If you want an easy way to make a Will, Epilogue is a good choice. It offers top-quality estate documents using a modern and affordable platform. Two estate lawyers started Epilogue, and it works in 9 provinces (AB, BC, MB, ON, NS, PEI, SK, NB, NL).

With Epilogue, you can also finish your estate planning in just 20 minutes from home, without any confusing legal words. Additionally, they also provide help by email, phone, or live chat if you have any questions.

2. Options Available

They have two packages for people and couples: the Will Only and the Will + Power of Attorney.

Will Only ($139 for one person, $269 for couples): You get a personalized legal Will, a form for your burial or funeral wishes, free updates, and a code to register your Will with the Canada Will Registry.

Will + Power of Attorney ($199 for one person, $329 for a couple): It includes all the benefits of the first package, plus the option of naming someone to manage your money and health.

3. Willful Wills

In Toronto and Montreal, Willful is a tech company where Canadians can make a Will online with no need for a lawyer. They offer resources, tutorials, and customer service to help you through the Will-making process. Willful works in 8 provinces (AB, BC, MB, NB, NS, ON, QC, SK):

They have three price plans. The more expensive plans offer more features.

  • Will Only ($99): You get a complete and legal Will that tells important people named in your Will.
  • Will + Power of Attorney ($189): With this, you create a legal Will, set up Power of Attorney, list your things, add funeral wishes, and register your Will on the Canada Will Registry.
  • Notary Will ($349): It includes everything in the Will + Power of Attorney plan and allows up to 6 people. Families can also save up to 13% by buying together instead of separately.


LegalWills is an Ontario-based company that’s been making Wills online for more than 20 years. They work in the US, the UK, and every province in Canada. Lawyers approve all their Will options, and can be done from your home. They also give a 30-day money-back guarantee if you’re not happy.

They Have Different Packages:

  • Testament ($39.95): This package has a personalized Will that’s lawyer-approved. You can complete, print, and sign it at home.
  • Premium last will ($69.95): It’s like the first option, but you also get extras like choices for funerals and organ donations, final messages, and keyholder assignments.
  • Complete Estate Plan ($99.95): You get everything from the Premium Last Will, plus Power of Attorney for Finances and a Living Will (Power of Attorney for Health Care).

Premium Estate Plan ($129.95): You get everything from the Complete Estate Plan, plus a life locker and digital vault.

Pros And Cons Of Free Will Kits

Will kits are fine if your money situation is simple. But if you need special stuff or have extra wishes, free kits might not be the best.

Pros Of Free Will kits

  • Affordability: If your Will kit isn’t free, it might cost you less than $50. But if a professional makes your Will, it could cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars.
  • Simplicity: Will Kits are there to make making a Will easier. You just need to download or print the document and fill in the blanks.
  • No Legal Aid Required: While a lawyer can offer assistance, it’s not necessary to hire one to make your own Will using a free online Will kit.


  • Less Room For Customization: Free Will kits often have fewer choices than usual Wills, which might not match your life or how you might pass away.
  • Harder to Update: Usually, a free Will kit is for one time only. If you want to change your Will later, you might need to fill out a whole new template.
  • Lack of Customer Support: Sometimes, you might have to fill out the document alone or with witnesses, depending on where you got your kit. It could be a bit tricky.
  • Issues With Witnesses: Different provinces have different rules for witnesses when making a Will. If the wrong person witnesses your Will, it might not be legally valid.
  • Easy to Make Contradictions: If your Will has a mistake or isn’t updated correctly, it might cause issues with your stuff after you’re gone. It could lead to arguments between the people getting your things.

Are Free Will Kits Legal?

Lots of real businesses give out free and legal Will kits in Canada, but there’s a big difference between something that’s sold legally and something legally binding. To make sure your free Will Kit is legal, remember to:

  • Be the right age: You should be an adult, usually 18 or 19, depending on where you live.
  • Be clear-minded: You must understand what your Will says and its effects.
  • Get two good witnesses: They should also be adults and think clearly when they sign your Will. If it’s typed, they still need to use ink.
  • Sign it correctly: Usually, you sign at the end, but you might need to initial some parts, too. Initiating each page is a good idea.
  • Keep the real copies: You can make your Will online, but only the original paper version is official. It’s a good plan to keep copies for yourself, too.
are free will kits legal

Are Notaries Required For Will Kits?

You don’t need to get a Will Kit notarized for it to be legally good in Canada. You and your witnesses just have to meet certain rules. But if your stuff goes through probate after you’re gone, you might need a notarized “affidavit of execution.” You can also do this later, and it’s not needed to get a legal Will kit.

Final Thoughts

Even though there’s no specific “Free Will Kit” from the Ontario government, there are helpful resources and services to assist with estate planning. It’s also essential to realize how crucial a will is and to get advice from legal experts or community organizations to make sure your wishes are correctly written and legally valid.

In addition, for the latest and most accurate information, people in Ontario should visit the official website of the Ontario government or talk to legal professionals who know the current rules and services for wills and estate planning.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where Can I Get the Best Free Will Kit in Canada?
Lots of Canadian companies have free Will Kits, but CanadaWills is a top choice for many. They’re well-known and cover all provinces except Quebec, where their kits aren’t free.

Do I Need a Lawyer to Create a Legal Will?
No, you don’t have to use a lawyer for a basic Will Kit. But if you’re unsure about how it works or if your Will might not be strong enough legally, getting a lawyer’s help is a good idea. However, if you’re worried but can’t afford a lawyer, consider buying a stronger Will template from one of the online providers I mentioned earlier.

Which Provinces Can I Get Free Legal Wills In?
Before making your Will, check the laws in your province or territory. Also, make sure the Will Kit you pick works in your area. Some companies like LegalWills and The Free Will Kit cover the whole country. But others, like Willful and Epilogue Wills, only work in 7 or 8 provinces in Canada.

How to form the Right Will Kit?
When you’re looking for a free Will kit, take your time to check out different options. However, there are lots of free or cheap choices, and some might match your preferences better. Your testament is also really important, so it’s crucial to find the right free Will kit that fits you, no matter where you live.

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