Free Laptops For Charities UK – Discover How You Can Get

Charities can get free laptops through various programs to deal with the difficulties of getting digital tools. The digital era has good chances, but it also has challenges. Small or new nonprofits may struggle to buy necessary tech stuff like computers due to budget limits. The UK has made more and more efforts to offer cheap or fixed-up devices, including giving free laptops for charities UK. In many places like Bristol and London, there’s a growing movement to recycle and reuse old laptops for charities.

why laptops are essential for charities

Moreover, in the UK, charities can get free laptops, computers, software, IT support, and equipment. There are also four main sections: free software for charities, free laptops, computers, and IT support, and grant funding for IT technologies. However, if you’re looking for free laptops and tech for individuals and families, check out this other resource.

Why Laptops Are Essential For Charities:

Laptops are really important for charities because they help them:

  • Stay active online.
  • Talk to donors and people they’re helping.
  • Handle databases and accounts.
  • Organize volunteers and events.
  • Use online resources and training.

But not every charity can afford new laptops. That’s where recycling programs can help. In this blog post, we’ll talk about some of these programs. So, if you’re a charity trying to get computer equipment without spending too much money, keep reading.

1. Nationwide Initiatives

The Restart Project is a group that helps organizations and communities fix electronics. They have a map with more than 70 places offering free laptops for charities and people in the UK.

2. Computers 4 Charity

In the UK, there’s a group called Computers 4 Charity that takes donated computers, fixes them up, and gives them to charity causes worldwide. They also make sure all the data is deleted, and the computers work well. Computers 4 Charity is an official UK technology charity. Furthermore, they’ve been fixing computers since 1996, for 25 years, and their goal is to be the best at getting rid of old computers in an eco-friendly way.

They also care about the environment, society, and good governance. However, they have a special way of fixing computers that helps the environment and supports communities. They take computers from people who don’t need them, make sure they work properly, and then give them to charities. It also helps the environment and makes sure the computers keep doing good things for others. They do all this safely and securely.

3. WeeCharity

WeeCharity collects old electrical items from local groups, like private businesses and charities. They either recycle the items or fix them up and sell them. The people who work there do it for free, and the goal is to give chances to volunteers who might have a hard time finding paid jobs because of personal, emotional, social, or financial challenges. In addition, they sell refurbished laptops at lower prices on their eBay store. WeeCharity is a nonprofit charity in the UK that helps reduce poverty.

They provide free recycling for computers and electrical equipment from businesses, homes, and schools. It doesn’t matter if the equipment is new, working, or really old; they’ll take it in any condition. As a charity registered with environmental agencies, you can trust that your equipment will be recycled or fixed up responsibly.

Why Use WeeCharity For Your IT Recycling?

  • They make sure your data is destroyed securely (like shredding it).
  • All the staff have been checked with a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.
  • Have the right licenses to collect your electronic waste (WEEE).
  • Provide proof in digital form that your waste has been handled properly.
  • Work quickly, from the first contact to picking up your items.
  • Offer free collection in the UK, including in areas with Ultra Low Emission Zones (ULEZ) and Clean Air Zones.
  • Track their vehicles in real time.
  • Depending on where you are, they might be able to pick up your items the next day.
  • Offer their service across the entire UK.
  • Provide a detailed list of the items they collect if you need it.
  • They use unmarked vehicles to make sure your data stays secure.

Regional Schemes:

In the UK, there are lots of local programs supported by charities, IT companies, and shops. They help charities and individuals get laptops at low costs or even for free.

1. Bristol Waste

In Bristol, there’s a program that fixes up old computers and laptops. They give these fixed-up laptops for free to charities, schools, and community projects. Their goal is not just to give access to technology but also to cut down on electronic waste.

2. Digital Inclusion Scheme

The Digital Inclusion Scheme gives free computers, laptops, and mobile phones to schools, charities, and communities that need help. They get these devices from recycling centers and Bristol businesses that are getting new equipment.

Additionally, since the project started, they’ve given away over 3,000 devices. If your organization needs free computers, mobile phones, or IT equipment, you can call them at 0117 440 6681. The Bristol City Council supports this scheme as part of their One City approach.

How Does The Scheme work?

1. Collection Of IT equipment

You can help the Digital Inclusion Scheme by giving your old tech at Bristol’s reuse and recycling centers. If you’re a business, you can ask for a free pick-up of working computers and IT equipment. They can collect things like:

  • Laptops and desktop computers (made after 2018, or 8th Gen and above)
  • Electronics that can be used again, not WEEE
  • Unlocked mobile phones and tablets
  • Servers
  • Routers, switches, and networking equipment
  • Working monitors

2. Test, Delete Data, & Check Specifications

This scheme makes sure to check and erase all the information from the computers. Every desktop computer given out in the Digital Inclusion Scheme has Windows 10. The least it will have is an i3 Processor, 4GB RAM, 250GB HDD, and WiFi capability.

3. Digi-Local

Digi-local Bristol takes in donated laptops. They clean off all the data and fix them up before giving them to young people who may not have easy access to digital tools. The COVID-19 pandemic showed that many families and young people don’t have the right tools for online learning and support. DigiLocal is also now a big part of helping these young people by repurposing laptops.

They’re working with partners to give refurbished laptops to families in need. If you have a working laptop to spare, they’d appreciate the donation. If you can’t donate a laptop, cash donations help with internet access for these families. Online learning is crucial, and many young people still don’t have it at home. If you can, please help.

4. DAISI Project (Digital Accessibility, Inclusion, Support, and Innovation)

The Gloucestershire Rural Community Council’s DAISI project partners with the charity IT Schools Africa in Cheltenham. Together, they give fixed-up laptops to people in parts of Gloucestershire where there’s not enough access to digital tools. Consequently, this helps lessen the problem of digital exclusion.

5. Digital Accessibility, Inclusion, Support and Innovation

GRCC is working to make individuals, groups, and institutions ready for the digital world. Through the DAISI Project (Digital Accessibility, Inclusion, Support, and Innovation), they use their knowledge and connections to help VCS organizations with their digital needs. Some things they do include:

  • Giving laptops to GEM project participants, making more than 100% return on the original funding by using non-profit programs and open-source policies when it’s safe and makes sense.
  • Helping anyone with an online presence follow digital best practices and meet legal standards. This initiative also involves giving advice, doing a full accessibility check, and guiding on how to create and keep digital content accessible.
  • Assisting organizations in making changes that include everyone and make them more productive. It involves providing tools to everyone from the start. They’ve helped organizations create more inclusive policies, like making easy-to-read documents and sharing information in different ways.
  • Helping organizations move their services online and make changes in how they work digitally. They want everyone to make the most of digital tools and enjoy the benefits of being online.

In short, the DAISI project is the top resource in Gloucestershire to help the county get ready for the digital age, one step at a time. If you’re not sure what service you need, you can contact them, and they’ll make a plan just for you.

6. Laptops For All

“Laptops for All” is a program in Sheffield. They help get free laptops for charities on behalf of people and families. They make sure to erase all the data and repurpose the devices before giving them to individuals through partner organizations.

The Vision Of Laptops Of All

“Laptops for All” has a vision to make sure everyone, regardless of age, can learn, work, and connect. They started in 2020 as “Laptops for Kids” and gave away 15,000 devices to schools in the North of England. Now, they’re focusing on the bigger issue of the digital divide. They’re asking people and businesses to donate their old tech. All data will be erased, and devices will be given to people in need through partner organizations.

You can also sponsor a laptop for £60, helping them provide devices for free and covering repair costs. In addition, they’re working with charities and groups in Sheffield to find those who really need a device. If you know someone who’s left out digitally, they want to hear from you. They’re already working with partners like Age UK and the Food Works.

Parents who want a laptop for a pupil can ask their school to get in touch with Learn Sheffield. If you want to sponsor a laptop or donate cash, check out their GoFundMe page. Your support can make a big difference.

7. PC Renewed

In Coventry, there’s a place called PC Renewed. They’re happy to provide fixed-up laptops to charities all over the UK. If your charity needs to replace a lot of laptops, or if you’re just starting and want to buy many at once, PC Renewed can assist you. When you’re buying a bunch of laptops, it’s important to choose a seller you can trust. PC Renewed is a Microsoft third-party installer, part of the chamber of commerce, and has been selling on the Amazon Renewed program for a long time.

Their technicians are experienced, and they use top-notch programs to test their laptops. Moreover, a lot of their laptop models are available in big quantities, and they give charities a discount when they buy in bulk.

8. Laptops For Charities

For the past three years, PC Renewed has been happily giving fixed-up laptops to charities all over the UK. They have got refurbished laptops from reliable brands like Lenovo, HP, and Dell. They come with the latest Windows software. When your charity chooses their laptops, you can get good deals and quick delivery.

Whether your charity is just starting and short on money, or you need to upgrade your old equipment or slow systems, they can also help.

9. Refurbished Laptops For Charities

The companies offering free laptops understand your charity’s needs and can adjust to fit your budget. The cost of fixed-up laptops depends on how old they are, which brand they are, and what software is on them. Their team will figure out what you need the device to do and suggest the best technical specifications and prices.

You can get refurbished laptops for less than £100. Even at this price, they’ll still do the important things and work quickly. If you want something more up-to-date, they have laptops with Windows 11.

The Systems Of Refurbished Laptops

The refurbished laptops offered usually have the following features:

  • Grade A refurbishing, meaning they’re in really good condition.
  • They run on Windows 10 or Windows 11.
  • Have at least 4GB of memory.
  • You get a 12-month warranty, which means they’ll fix any issues during that time.
  • They come with Windows Defender antivirus software to keep your laptop safe.
  • You can even get them in different colors.
the systems of refurbished laptops

8. SocialBox

SocialBox.Biz is doing something good to help people. They collect old but still working laptops and other tech in London. Then, they clean them up really well and make them better using open-source ideas. These fixed-up computers are also given for free to charities that help different groups of people. Older people, refugees, and people in trouble with the law who cannot afford computers and software included in it.

9. TechTakeBack London

This project takes old tech from people and businesses in London. After fixing them up, they give them to local charities. This way, these devices get a second chance to help the community.

How Can Charities Get Free Laptops?

The eligibility criteria and application process for obtaining free laptops for charities in the UK may vary depending on the specific initiative or program. However, here are general guidelines that charities can expect:

Eligibility Criteria:

Nonprofit Status: Charities must demonstrate their nonprofit or charitable status to qualify for free laptops. It often involves providing documentation that proves the organization’s legal status as a nonprofit entity.

  • Demonstrated Need:
    Charities should clearly explain why they really need laptops and how these devices will make their work better. Further, they also benefit their beneficiaries or contribute to their charitable mission.

Compliance with Terms: Charities may need to agree to specific terms and conditions set by the initiative providing the free laptops. It could include commitments to responsible use, data protection, and compliance with the initiative’s guidelines.

Application Process:

  • Contact the Initiative: Begin by getting in touch with the program or initiative that gives out free laptops. You can usually do this by visiting their website, using a contact form, or reaching out directly to the people who coordinate the program.
  • Inquiry & Information Gathering: Initiatives may request initial information about your charity, including its mission, activities, and the number of beneficiaries served. Share details about why your charity needs free laptops.
  • Application Form: Complete the application form provided by the initiative. This form may ask questions about your charity’s operations, the intended use of the laptops, and how the donation aligns with your organization’s goals.
  • Documentation Submission: Certain programs might need extra paperwork, like papers showing your charity is nonprofit, information about your organization, and any other documents that prove your charity is qualified.
  • Needs Assessment: In certain cases, the initiative may conduct a needs assessment to understand better how the laptops will contribute to the charity’s objectives. It could involve a discussion or additional information exchange.
  • Approval and Laptop Allocation: Upon approval, the initiative will notify your charity and proceed with the allocation of free laptops. Details about the number of laptops, specifications, and any additional support or services will be communicated during this phase.
  • Follow-Up: Some initiatives may conduct follow-up assessments or surveys to evaluate the impact of the donated laptops and gather feedback for future improvements.

Tips For Charities:

  • Data Security: Always make sure old data is completely erased when getting laptops from these programs.
  • Maintenance: Keep these laptops updated and in good condition since they are fixed up and might need a bit more care.
  • Network: Talk to other charities. They might also have useful information or contacts to help you get laptops.
  • Awareness: Share information about these programs. The more people know, the more donations they can get.


Free laptops for charities in the UK are important for helping nonprofit organizations thrive in the digital world. These programs provide much-needed technology and also help the environment by recycling electronic devices. As people become more aware and charities work together, the goal of creating a connected and inclusive charitable sector in the UK gets closer.

Moreover, these initiatives promote collaboration among charities and highlight the importance of being connected. The nonprofit sector can use technology more effectively when charities share ideas and resources. In addition, charities should follow the application steps provided by the initiative carefully in order to qualify. Following the program’s rules and communicating effectively will increase the chances of getting free laptops.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can my charity qualify for free laptops in the UK?
Eligibility criteria may vary among initiatives, but generally, charities need to demonstrate their nonprofit status and showcase their need for laptops. In addition, contact the specific initiative or program to inquire about their application process.

Are there any costs associated with receiving free laptops for our charity?
In most cases, the laptops are provided at no cost to the charity. However, some initiatives may request a contribution towards logistics or administrative expenses. Therefore, it’s essential to clarify any potential costs during the application process.

What types of laptops are typically offered by these initiatives?
Refurbished laptops from well-known brands such as Lenovo, HP, and Dell are commonly provided. Because these laptops often meet specific standards, including a certain amount of memory, a warranty, and pre-installed software like Windows 10 or Windows.

How can I donate old laptops to contribute to these initiatives?
If you have old but still functional laptops to donate, reach out to the initiatives directly or check their websites for information on donation procedures. Many programs have collection points or offer free collection services for donated tech items.

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