Free Government Grants For Solar Panels ( Guide 2024)

Solar Panels have become a famous source of energy production and reducing carbon footprint. Moreover, they are giving free of cost energy to households. However, it is not easy for everyone to afford solar panels. Therefore, governments have started many programs to provide free solar panels to low-income families. This article will explore how to get Free Government Grants For Solar Panels in different countries. If you’re in need of dental implants but can’t afford the cost, you may be interested in exploring free government grants for dental implants.

Free Solar Panels UK Government

The UK government has introduced many programs to provide free government solar panels to their citizens. These programs aim to help deserving people save on electricity bills. Furthermore, it enables them to have access to a renewable energy source.

Solar Panels Funding UK

The government of the UK provides a grant of 46000 ponds for the installation of solar panels. The EU’s Renewable Energy Directive demanded that all countries provide 32 percent renewable energy before 2030. Therefore, the UK government has introduced many programs to help people with free solar panels.

Free Government Solar Panels Schemes in the UK

The UK government has organized many schemes, allowing free government solar panels. These schemes are;

1- ECO4 Schemes

  • The Energy Company Obligation was known as ECO3 system, which was replaced by ECO4 in 2022 and will run till 2030.
  • This scheme is more flexible than ECO3, as more people can get free solar panels.
  • The government has targeted 4 million pounds for this mission.
  • This scheme provides more than 1 million within 4 years.
  • This scheme gives a friendly and free heated environment to eligible people.

2- Smart Export Guarantee

  • Smart Export Energy started to work on January 1, 2020, and continued.
  • This scheme mostly helps the small-scale electricity generator to get payment for any renewable energy resource.
  • SEG generators have a choice of different licenses according to the best Rkw rate.
  • This scheme does not receive direct grants from the government; many suppliers provide grants for this scheme.

3- Reduced VAT for Energy-Saving Products

  • The VAT scheme started in 2022 and provides solar panels.
  • With the help of VAT, the UK can benefit from 0% on the products and installation of energy efficient measures.
  • The VAT VAT-free period will end after five years; the rate will rise to 5%.

4- Schemes that expired now in the UK

  • Domestic RHI
  • Feed-in Tariff FIT
  • Free Solar Panel Scheme.

Free Government Grant for Solar Panels in the US

The US government is also thrilled to make the US environment clean and bright with the help of renewable energy resources. It also wants to help low-income households get free electricity for their homes. Therefore, the US recently offered 30 percent of taxes for the solar panel installation cost. Furthermore, federal Grants for Solar Power allow people with such panels that need not be repaired.

Solar Grant Communities

In the US, several communities provide funds to make the transition more sustainable. This grant does not fund the government directly but passes through many organizations. These non-profit organizations help rural areas, low-income families, and tribal areas. Some of the Grants are;

1- Green Retrofit Grant

  • Working under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
  • It targets low-income areas to provide them with modern energy resources and alternatives to electricity.
  • Its budget is $250 million, provided via the Housing Recovery Act, and this grant is for 2 years.

2- Tribal Energy Program

  • The Tribal Energy program is working under the US Department of Energy.
  • It gets funds through the DOE’s Office of Indian Energy Policy and program.
  • The motive of the Tribal Energy Program is to pursue the Tribal area with new technology.
  • Its investment is $15 million to install panels for tribal areas and buildings.

3- REAP Grants

REAP is working with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to help deserving areas, farmers, and small businesses with affordable electricity.
Farmers must prove that they earn half of their income from agricultural businesses.
Moreover, they must pay 75 percent to qualify for free solar panels.

4- High Energy Cost Grants

High energy costs are also committed to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
It grants to rural communities for improving the energy production in rural areas.
Its grants can be used for construction, installment, repairments, and replacement to improve the energy creation system.

5- Renewable Energy Grants

Renewable Energy Grants are committed with the U.S. Department of the Treasury, known as the 1603 program.
It required some payments for the installment of solar panels. However, the amount can be paid after the installment of the panel.

Solar Loans (Complete Process and Guide)

The FHA’s Power Saver Program;

Many loans help homeowners with free solar panels. With the help of these loans, owners can save a huge amount on electricity bills. Some conditions for solar loans are;

  • Interest rates from 3.5 to 7.5 percent
  • Duration is 7 to 20 percent
  • loan can paid by tax deducted

Some of the famous types of solar loans are;

  • FHA Power Saver by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
  • Multi Family Housing Loan, by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, provides free solar panels for people with disabilities.
  • Rural Utilities Service Electric Program by U.S. Department of Agriculture

Free Government Solar Panel Installations

Along with free solar panels for businesses and low-income families, several companies are offering free installments. These companies charge no installment fee, but they ask for the fee for energy produced from these panels. Furthermore, it can be a good option for those with a free-of-cost solar panel who know how to install it.

How To Get a Free Government Grant For Solar Panel

Both countries may have different terms and conditions for granting free government solar panels, but the application method is the same. Follow these simple steps to get a free grant for solar panels.

  • First, search your country’s provider’s website and see if you qualify for the free government solar panels grant.
  • Second, download the application form and read all information carefully.
  • Third, provide the required information accurately. And submit the application form.
  • Fourth, your provider will arrange a free survey to advise on the best source to reduce electricity expenditures.
  • Fifth, You can also choose an engineer to fix your free solar panel. Additionally, you can get time for their services in your free time.

Advantages Of Free Government Solar Panels

Free government solar panels have countless advantages.

  • Cost saving
  • Clean and renewable energy
  • Reliable
  • Enhance property value
  • Independent source of energy
  • Helpful in reducing electricity bills
  • Low maintenance


To sum up the whole, we can say that Free government solar panels give financial support to low-income households. Government solar panels for free prevent citizens from paying heavy electricity bills. Moreover, it is an environment-friendly source of a renewable and independent source of renewable energy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can you get solar panels for free?
Yes, you can get a free solar panel if you qualify. The US and UK governments have introduced many programs to provide free solar panels to their citizens.

Can you get a grant for free solar panels?
Yes, you can get a grant for solar panels for your home and use it on solar panels. Various government and non-profit organizations schemes provide grants for free solar panels.

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