Free Government Grants For Disabled Adults – Are You Eligible?

According to the Pew Research Center, about 42.5 million people in the United States have disabilities. It means they need extra help. Fortunately, the government has introduced many ways to offer grants for people with disabilities. However, finding grants for grown-ups with disabilities can be challenging. Discover the untapped opportunities free government grants for disabled adults. Learn how to access these grants and improve your quality of life. Here, you’ll see an extensive list of donations from the government and private groups in the United States. These grants can give you the support you need to live a better life.

public grants for individuals with disabilities

Public Grants For Individuals With Disabilities:

Public grants come from the government, like the federal or state government. They help people in different ways. Here are some of the best public contributions for people with disabilities that you can get in the U.S.

Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits (SSDI)

This particular federal program helps people who have a disability that lasts for at least a year. It covers all areas, whether it’s a physical, emotional, or mental challenge or even something that could lead to loss of life. The US Social Security Administration uses this money to help with daily living costs, like medicine and more.

Further, it also supports families with kids who fit the Social Security Administration’s definition of having a disability. Some conditions that qualify include autism, vision problems, cerebral palsy, and Down syndrome.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

The SSI is a government fund that helps disabled Americans who don’t have much money and can’t work. Furthermore, they check if the disability is short-term, partial, or total before giving free money for bills and basic needs.

Section 811 Supportive Housing Grant Program for Persons with Disabilities

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development program helps with rent and housing needs. They use this money to provide support services and build new homes that are helpful for people with disabilities.

Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act

The ABLE Act, from 2014, lets states set up savings plans for people with disabilities. Family, friends, or anyone else can put money into these accounts. However, the good part is that this money isn’t taxed and can be used to pay for things that help with the disability.


The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) gives money to help students with disabilities. This money ensures they get the proper education they need for free. IDEA also allows states and schools to support students who learn differently.

Federal Student Aid Programs

The U.S. Department of Education has lots of programs helping students with disabilities who want to go to college. They also give out billions of dollars; many of these grants can be paid off. Some schools also have special programs on campus for students with disabilities.


You can get help from Medicare for a mobility scooter. You just need a note from a doctor saying you need it for your daily tasks. In addition, Medicare can pay for up to 80% of the scooter’s cost.


The state produces this insurance program and helps with medical costs for people who don’t have much money, are disabled, or are seniors in the United States. However, the rules to qualify can differ in each state, but they always check how well someone can do daily activities first.

Autistic People Of Color Fund

Individual microgrants ranging from $100 to $500 are available through this fund for people of color within the autistic community who need financial assistance. Individuals who identify as non-white, Black, Asian, or belong to an ethnic minority are considered to be part of this group.

Specially Adapted Housing Program

SAH helps Veterans and service members with disabilities by giving them money to buy or change a home to fit their needs. In addition, this might mean adding ramps or making doorways wider so they can use wheelchairs and be more independent. The government provides financial help for people with disabilities, families, and those with low incomes.

Children’s Health Insurance Program:

The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) covers healthcare costs for kids when their families can’t afford insurance.

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP):

SNAP gives monthly money for food to folks with low incomes or who need help. It used to be called the Food Stamp Program. Many benefit from this, it’s been around for almost 60 years. In 2022, about 41.2 million Americans got SNAP. Most of the money goes to households with kids, older folks, or people with disabilities, and nearly all of it goes to families with incomes below the poverty line.

During the pandemic, SNAP got a boost, which ended in February 2023. Still, SNAP keeps helping those who struggle to afford food.

  • Temporary Assistance For Needy Families:
    The TANF program allows states and territories to support families with kids who don’t have a lot of money. It gives money to states to help these families with monthly cash and many other services.
  • Lifeline Assistance Program:
    Lifeline Assistance is a federally supported program that offers free internet offers to disabled citizens. Moreover, this program also provides free phones, laptops, and computers to disabled citizens so that they can connect with the digital world.
  • Affordable Connectivity Program:
    ACP is one of the leading programs initiated by the government. It also provides broadband services to persons with disabilities.

Private Grants For Individuals With Disabilities:

Businesses and groups not part of the government give money to help adults and kids with disabilities. Here’s a list of the best private grants in the United States.

Friends Of Disabled Adults & Children (FODAC)

FODAC gives used equipment, like wheelchairs, to folks with disabilities to improve their lives. They work with partners, volunteers, and people donating stuff.

Byron Riesch Paralysis Foundation

This group wants to fix paralysis, but they help folks with nerve problems while working on that. The Byron Riesch Paralysis Foundation gives tools to change homes to make bathing easier. They also provide money to the school for people dealing with nerve disorders.

I Got Legs Foundation

People in the U.S. with a lasting physical disability can ask for money from the I Got Legs Foundation. They need to show they get financial help and have papers from the doctor to get it. Besides this, this foundation helps those who need fake limbs or special tools. The money can also be used to change homes, like putting in ramps or lifts.

Elderly Or Disabled Living

This grant helps older folks and people with disabilities who don’t have much money and live in the U.S. If you’re over 55 and fit the rules, you can get this grant. Even if the government says you’re disabled, you can apply. Moreover, you can use the money for bills, health insurance, car payments, or home loans.

Chanda Center For Health

The Chanda Foundation offers therapies to help folks with physical disabilities have a better life. They offer massages, exercises, chiropractic care, acupuncture, and yoga. At their place in Lakewood, they give access to these treatments from experts who understand disabilities and work with others in the community.

Wheels Of Happiness

Wheels of Happiness supports individuals with disabilities in becoming more independent by offering medical gear, supplies, emotional support, and motivation. They make all this happen thanks to help from companies, people who donate, and fundraising events.

High Fives Non-Profit Foundation

High Fives helps people whose lives changed because of injuries like losing a limb or hurting their spine or brain. They could ask for a grant if they got injured doing a sport or in an accident where things kept moving. Additionally, this money helps them become more independent again.

Joseph Groh Foundation

This grant is for construction workers who get seriously hurt or have a disability. The Joseph Groh Foundation gives money to buy medical gear or change homes, like making it more accessible for wheelchairs or adding ramps and lifts.

State-Specific Programs & Grants for Disabled Individuals:

California Department of Healthcare Services

California’s Department of Healthcare Services has programs to help folks with disabilities. They offer help at home, services in the community, support for people with genetic handicaps, and a waiver for assisted living.

Texas In-Home & Family Support Program

This program helps people four years old or older with a physical disability, whether it’s from getting older or due to a medical condition. They can get grants of up to $3,600 each year. Furthermore, the money can be used for things like equipment, small changes at home, or other services related to their disability.

Montana Department Of Public Health & Human Services

The Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services helps disabled folks have a good life. They have programs to support people with developmental disabilities. Further, they offer services to help with getting ready for work and support for independent living all across the state.

Bureau Of Rehabilitation Services (BRS), State of Connecticut

BRS gets money from the US Department of Education to help disabled folks find and keep jobs. They also give grants to people who need help getting to work, like unique rides or other support.

The Assistive Technology Program Of Colorado

Suppose you’re a person with disabilities in Colorado and need things like communication tools, hearing aids, or wheelchairs. In that case, you might get money from the Assistive Technology Program of Colorado to help you get them.

Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority

The Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority gives small grants, up to $2,500, to help people with their needs. But these grants are given to an agency, not directly to the person. As a result, the agency allows the person to use this grant.

When To Apply For a Disability Grant?

Before asking charities for help, you need to apply for all the government benefits and local support you qualify for. So, checking what you’re entitled to first is a good idea. You can read our guides or talk to a benefits or disability adviser to be sure you’ve explored all your options.

when to apply for a disability grant

Search For a Disability Grant

Use the Turn2us Grants Search tool: The Turn2us website has a tool called “Search for Grants” that’s free to use. Further, you can find grants by using your postcode, age, and gender. It’ll show you a list; you can filter it more by adding your medical condition or disability.

Search for a disability grant by category: The Disability Grants website categorizes available grants. You can look for equipment, housing, or vacation assistance.

Required Documents

It is necessary to submit some documents with the application, such as

  • Identity Proof: Documents as proof of your identity. For example
  1. US Military ID
  2. State ID
  3. Social Security Number (SSN)
  4. Passport
  5. Driver’s License
  6. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)
  7. Tribal Identification Number
  • Government Assistance Program Participation Proof:
  1. Consent letter
  2. Benefits award letter
  3. Letter of benefit verification
  4. Benefits declaration
  5. Educational records
  • Address Proof: Aside from other documents, address proof is also necessary for participating, such as
  • Tribal ID
  • Mortgage or lease statement
  • Utility bill
  • Driver’s License
  • State ID
  • Tax return
  • Applying For a Disability Grant
    Once you’ve chosen the grants you’d like to apply for, contact the organizations offering them and complete the application forms.

Before applying, carefully read the terms and conditions to ensure you meet all the requirements.

You might have to provide a report from a professional, like an occupational therapist or a social worker, or give detailed info about your finances.

If you need assistance with the paperwork, groups like the Older People’s Advocacy Alliance can lend a hand.

Advantages Of Free Government Grant For Disabled Adults:

Government grants offer the following benefits for people with disabilities:

Financial Support and Stability

Government grants for disabled adults give money to help pay for essential things like doctor bills, special equipment, changes to the home, rides, and other necessary stuff. These grants are also helpful for people with disabilities and who have trouble with money. In this way, they make their life more stable and lessen the stress of paying for many things.

Access To Specialized Equipment and Services

Government grants are designed to help disabled adults get things they need but cannot afford. It includes wheelchairs, hearing aids, home modifications that make them easier to use, and other equipment. In addition, these resources help people do their daily tasks more comfortably and be a more significant part of their communities.

Improved Quality Of Life

Government grants help disabled adults a lot by giving them money and the things they need. It helps make their lives much better. Having the right equipment, medical help, and support not only makes their bodies feel better but also makes them happier.

Being more independent and having more chances to do things makes them feel more vital and included in society.

Support For Education and Employment

Lots of government grants for disabled adults want to help them go to school or find jobs. Additionally, grants may cover school costs, employment training, help finding a job, or changes in the workplace. People can become more independent and involved in their jobs with these grants, which solve their money problems.

Tailored Assistance and Advocacy

Government grants usually include help and programs that support disabled adults from the start of applying and even after. These programs give advice, info, and support to ensure people know their rights, understand how things work, and can get the help they need.

Enhancing Social Inclusion

Government grants don’t just help with important stuff but also help disabled adults be more involved in society. Additionally, these grants enable people to access more resources and participate in more activities so that they don’t feel alone.


Consequently, government grants for disabled adults play a pivotal role in providing essential support and resources for them. Further, it offers a range of advantages that can significantly enhance their quality of life. These grants serve as a vital safety net, providing financial assistance and access to specialized services tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals facing disabilities.

Furthermore, by offering different grants, the government ensures that disabled adults are also essential to American society. It also creates a sense of confidence among them.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a disability grant?
A disability grant could be for personal needs, buying a home, or getting a car. But there are also special grant programs just for people with disabilities. Moreover, this money can help pay for every day costs or buy things like wheelchairs, ramps, or scooters.

What is the importance of a certificate for a disabled person?
Having a certificate is essential for people with disabilities. It helps them get a unique ID card called a CNIC. This card lets them get benefits like discounts on public transportation, more chances to get jobs through special quotas, and other helpful things.

What grants are offered to disabled people by the federal government?
The federal government offers the following types of grants to people with disabilities:

  • Medicaid
  • Medicare
  • Autistic People of Color Fund
  • Specially Adapted Housing Program
  • The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
  • The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Temporary Assistance to Needy Families:
  • Lifeline Assistance Program
  • Affordable Connectivity Program

What documents are required for a free government grant for disability?
The following documents are required to get a free government grant for disability:

  • US Military ID
  • State ID
  • Social Security Number (SSN)
  • Passport
  • Driver’s License
  • Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)
  • Tribal Identification Number
  • Consent letter
  • Benefits award letter
  • Letter of benefit verification
  • Benefits declaration
  • Educational records
  • Tribal ID
  • Mortgage or lease statement
  • Utility bill
  • Driver’s License
  • State ID
  • Tax return

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